Take Part in Debenhams Customer Feedback Survey for Daily Prize Draw

Debenhams is a British retail department store which has its operation in United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark and in other countries it has its franchise store. Headquarter of Debenhams is in London, United Kingdom and almost 29,000 employees are connected with it. You will find different types of products such as clothing, accessories, cosmetic, home appliance, electrical gifts and other products under one roof. At the end of the October 2012, together it has 167 stores in United Kingdom and Ireland and 61 franchise store in other countries.

They work very hard to satisfy their customer group in the best possible way and for the same they carried the survey in which customer are free to give their suggestion and advice which they want store should follow in order to improve their service and also customer can share their experience of shopping at store.

For the same one just need to have receipt on hand which he has received while doing shopping at the store as he has to provide some information while filling the survey form and once he is done with the survey and then he automatically became eligible for taking part in the draw and get 10 chance to win a daily prize of £1000 and also get the opportunity to win instant prize of a 8GB iPod Nano.

Way to take part in Debenhams customer experience survey and get the chance to win prize of £1000

It is very easy and simple to be part of the survey and get the chance to win the prize, for the same you just need to have computer device with internet connection and receipt on hand

  • Visit the website of Debenhams customer experience survey at http://www.debenhamsfeedback.com
  • There you have to provide the survey code which you will find on the receipt which you have received while doing your last shopping at the store in the lower right box and click the button “Enter
  • New web page will open where you will find different question which you have to answer in order to complete the survey , once you have given the answer to all the question there on the survey then  click the “submit” button 
  • Now once you are done with the survey you can take part in the draw and win lots of prizes.

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